The Latest Banker Plan Would Fund Super-PACs to Sway Senate Races

xpost Posted on September 5, 2012

The banker zombies are not content at having been bailed out at the expense of the living standards of all future generations of Americas. No. In fact, they are fighting tooth and nail for the right to continue to steal more and more from the increasingly impoverished citizenry.

With the election right around the corner, this is what the banksters are up to now. From a Bloomberg article:

A banking trade group is preparing to set up a political fund that would allow members to funnel money anonymously to pro-industry candidates in the final months of the U.S. election campaign.

The American Bankers Association board is set to vote tomorrow on a plan to create a nonprofit that would donate to super-political action committees, or super-PACs, that can spend unlimited amounts on TV ads and other campaign activities.

Note what that said above. Bankers are setting up a non-profit to buy off politicians with anonymous donations. Oh yeah, this is going to turn out well for us. How are they able to do this?

Full Story Here…

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